Magical Spring Gardens to Love Inside or Out
Spring is the most magical time for gardening enthusiasts around the world. This enchanting season is the time when flowering bulbs begin their stunning displays of color long before most other perennials begin to emerge.
This season, emerging trends merely prove our continued love for all things beautiful and bright. Here's what you should know about how to incorporate flowing bulbs to create magical springs gardens you are sure to love!
Small Space, Big Impact
Whether you're indoors or out, there are tons of ways to create a big impact in small spaces. Flowering bulbs can be used to create a stunning look both indoors and out!
For those living in rental properties, or with minimal space outdoors, balcony gardening is a great option for creating magical gardens you're sure to love. Choose containers in a variety of shapes and sizes to give depth and texture to your space.
There are a wide variety of flowing bulbs that can bring the colors and fragrances of early spring to your indoor and outdoor spaces. Whether planted in soil or in containers, these flowering bulbs are incredibly adaptable and can thrive in many different environments. These include:
• Daffodils
• Amaryllis
• Paperwhites
• Hyacinths
• Crocus
• Tulips
Bulbs are also a great choice for your outdoor gardens too! By choosing bulbs that are good for naturalizing, you can count on gorgeous springtime blooms year after year. These bulbs bring stunning displays of color and fragrance in the spring and will naturally multiply and spread throughout your garden.
To create a magical spring garden that you'll absolutely love, try including some of these flowing bulbs in your garden design:
• Guinea Hen Flower
• Striped Squill
• Spanish Bluebells
• Dog-Toothed Violet
• Glory-of-the-Snow
• Irises
Late spring and well into summer, try these unique bulbs to give that lush exotic look:
• Caladiums
• Elephant Ears
• Canna Lilies
• Calla Lilies
• Nerine
Some of the top trends for 2018 include other gorgeous blossoming bulbs like Allium, Scilla, Ipheion, and Leucojum. These bulbs bring vibrant colors, the sweetest of fragrances, and stunning springtime blooms year after year. Whether you have acres of land or beatifying your balcony with containers, flowering bulbs are a great choice to add dramatic color with minimal effort. Creating magical spring gardens you'll love inside and out is easier than ever with these show stopping perennial flowering bulbs.
If you would like to learn more, contact us at or (609) 890-9304.